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Installation of Kalasha & Kumbhabhishekam – 10th October 2018
- Aerial View
- Entrance Door
- Navagraha Puja
- Lalasha Abhisheka
- Kalashas
- Prayers by Sannyasinis
- Kumbhabhishekam
- Devotees
- Three Kalashas on Front Vimana
- Lalita Sahasranama Chanting
- Garbha Mandir
- Prasad Distribution
- Reading of benediction from President Mataji
- Rev. Vivekaprana Mataji
- Dr. K.L. Prasannakshi
- Vidushi Veena Mohan
- Smt. Roopa Ravindran
- Closing song
- Felicitating Dr. K.L. Prasannakshi
- Felicitating Smt. Roopa Ravindran
- Felicitating Smt Suma Naik
- Felicitating Sri Balaji Sisodia
- Felicitating Sri Srikant Deshpande
The Installation of Kalasha & Kumbhabhishekam ceremony of Sri Sarada Math Temple was performed in the Holy presence of Most Rev. Ajayaprana Mataji, Vice President, Sri Sarada Math & Ramakrishna Sarada Mission on Wednesday, 10th October 2018, the first day of auspicious ‘Navaratri’. Most Rev. Amalaprana Mataji, General Secretary, Sri Sarada Math & Ramakrishna Sarada Mission was also present there with many Revered mataji. In total, 31 sannyasinis from various centers participated in this holy occasion.
The programme started at about 7am. First of all, Ganapathi Homa, Navagraha Homa and for Kalashas special puja, Abhishekam, Arathi etc. took place. The Pujari / Priest explained the significance behind these pujas. At about 9.30am, the Kalashas were taken to the Gopuram and placed on the main central and on the front Vimana. Aarathi and Abhishekam were performed there to the kalashas. The holy water was sprinkled as far as possible.
During a break of 15 minutes, coffee and biscuits served. Afterward, the Lalitha Sahasranam was chanted, followed by Bhajans on ‘Sri Devi’. Morning session ended at 12.15 with ‘Bhogarathi’.
Prasad Distribution took place from 12.30 to 1.30pm. About 600 devotees and friends partook of it.
There was a cultural programme for one hour. Vidushi Veena Mohan, a creative and talented performing vocalist, who has been an ardent student of Carnatic Classical music for more than 25 years, sang Bhajans. Audience listened with rapt attention, enjoying the performance fully. This was followed by Kathak dance by Sm Roopa Ravindran & Party mainly on the various aspects of ‘Devi’.
Public Meeting started by 2.30pm with Vedic Chanting and welcome speech by Pravrajika Gitaprana. Rev. Amalaprana Mataji read the benediction message of Most Rev. Bhaktiprana Mataji, the President, Sri Sarada Math and Ramakrishna Sarada Mission, Dakshineswar. She invoke the blessings of the Holy Trio and rendered prayer that they may always inspire, guide and bless all to attain the highest goal of life.
Instead of Rev. Amalaprana Mataji, Rev. Vivekaprana Mataji spoke on the significance of TAPASYA of this Yugavatara – Sri Ramakrishna Dev in this present age. Dr. K.L.Prasannakshi, Retd. Principal, Maharani College, Mysore, explained lucidly the significance of Temple, Kalasha Installation & Kumbhabhishekam.
Pravrajika Gitaprana, in her vote of thanks tried to remember all who rendered help to complete this project successfully. Most Revered Ajayaprana Mataji felicitated a few people by presenting them with a shawl and memento and blessing them. Pravrajika Bhavaniprana sang a closing song on ‘Divine Mother Sharada’. Like morning, coffee and biscuits were served to all.
Most Rev. Amalaprana Mataji’s Visit – 9th October 2018
Most Rev. Amalaprana Mataji was gracious to be here in Bangalore, like earlier a few years on the auspicious day of ‘Mahalaya’.This time Sri Sri Devi Mahatma parayan took place with samkalpa puja and Homa was also performed as that day was the birthday of Swami Akhandanandaji Maharaj. After Homa, prior to the lecture, Sannyasinis chanted Vedic chanting. Devotees of Sri Ramakrishna Satsang sang bhajans for about fifteen minutes. Rev. Mataji spoke first on Sri Sri Maharaj & his contribution towards the significance of the concept ‘Shiva Jnane Jiva Seva’. Afterwards bhajan group of Sri Sarada Math sang bhajans on ‘Sri Sri Devi’. Rev. Mataji resumed her talk on ‘Sri Sri Chandi’. Prasad Distribution took place after Bhogarati for about 250 people.
Youth Convention – 6th October 2018
- Youth Convention
- Rev. Amalaprana Mataji
- Audience
- Dr. Asha Srinivasan
- Dr. Bhargavi
- Bharatnatyam performance
- Carnatic Music
Sri Sarada Math, Bangalore conducted an ‘Youth Convention” on Saturday, the 6th October 2018 as a part of the concluding programme of Sister Nivedita’s 150th Birth Anniversary celebrations.
247 students from Pre University and Degree Colleges of ten educational Institutions of Sheshadripuram participated in the convention. Breakfast was served after registration of the students. The morning session started at 9.30am with Vedic Chanting by the Sannyasinis of Sri Sarada Math. Pravrajika Gitaprana welcomed Revered Matajis, staff and students. She requested them to take the benefit of this value oriented convention.
Most Rev. Amalaprana Mataji, General Secretary, Sri Sarada Math and Ramakrishna Sarada Mission, Dakshineswar, addressed the students on ‘Sister Nivedita – the dedicated’ in a captivating manner, on how Nivedita was blessed & destined for the dedicated life before birth itself. The prophecy of a call from the East was later fully manifested in India, giving her all for the service of the humanity in large.
Dr. Asha Srinivasan, Asst. Professor, Nano Science & Nano technology, JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research, Mysore, explained the “Relevance of Sister Nivedita’s Life and Ideals in the present circumstance.” She stressed the need of self-confidence and the desire & the will to implement Sister’s teachings fully in their lives, thus changing one’s life a blessed to themselves and to the society. During the question and answer session, students put forth many relevant questions and were happy by exact answers from Dr.Asha and Rev.Mataji. It was indeed a joy to see their active participation to know more about Sister Nivedita and the relevance of her message in the present circumstances.
Lunch was served after 12 noon, followed by a cultural programme. Ku. Amulya sang hymns and bhajans in Karnatak Music style. Bharatnatyam dance was performed by the students of ‘Nrityalaya’ on ‘Devi Sthuthi’ under the direction of Sm Kshama.
Dr. Bhargavi, Director, P.G. Dept., of Commerce, Sheshadripuram College, Bangalore conducted Panel Discussion on “Vajra the Symbol of unselfishness – How to adopt it in daily life.” Students actively participated and enjoyed the lively discussion. Dr. Bhargavi made them understand the concept of selflessness and the joy we imbibe by its implementation in our life.
The convention ended at 3pm with vote of thanks by Pravrajika Yogatmaprana and with “Vande Mataram”. Literature on Holy Trio & Nivedita was distributed to the students both in Kannada & English.
Sri Krishna Janmashtami – 2nd September 2018
- Sri Krishna
- Speech by Smt. Padmashri
Sri Krishna Janmashtami was observed on Sunday, 2nd September, 2018. Devotees sang hymns and bhajans on Lord Sri Krishna. Smt. Padmashri spoke on Lord Sri Krishna’s birth and implementation of his teachings in our daily life, based on Karma, Bhakti & Jnana yoga. The programme took place from 4pm to 6pm.
Sister Nivedita Cultural Festival – 14th July 2018
- Welcome Address
- Rangoli
- Folk Dance
- Fancy Dress Competition
- Classical Dance
- Classical Dance Prize Winner
Sister Nivedita Cultural Festival was an entertaining and enlightening cultural festival of contests for students from 1st to 8th standard celebrating India’s vibrant culture and tradition. Nivedita Vidya Peetha of Sri Sarada Math, Bengaluru provided a platform for school children to exhibit their unique innate talent by organizing Inter-Primary School competitions. The event was held on Saturday the 14 July 2018 at the Math premises.Pravrajika Chitprabhaprana Mataji, In–Charge of Nivedita Vidya Peetha, welcomed the gathering. 537 students from 21 schools took part enthusiastically in various twelve events like Rangoli, Colouring, Pencil shading, Essay, Kannada and English Handwriting, Gita chanting, Rhymes, Storytelling, Devotional songs, Fancy Dress, Folk dance and Classical dance from morning 9.30am to 4.30pm. Many students participated in multiple events. Lunch and evening snacks with almond milk were provided by the Math.Revered Gitaprana Mataji, President of Sri Sarada Math, Bengaluru, graced the occasion. Smt. Meera Shivalingiah, educationist and social worker from Mandya, was the Chief Guest. She said that children must be involved in a variety of activities of their interest, should have the opportunity to meet, learn from and enjoy what they do and that this would naturally refrain their mind from being diverted towards negative aspects. She also quoted Henri Dunant, the founder of Red Cross, a private Humanitarian institution founded in Geneva in 1863, and spoke on how the organization started and how it has grown to be the biggest International Humanitarian Organization as of today. She wished the programme would also one day become an extravagant value inculcating event.
She distributed Trophies, Medals and Certificates of Merit for prize winners. Participation Certificates were given to all students who participated in the contests.
A good number of devotees of the Math and Staff of Nivedita Vidya Peetha helped in organizing the event in a grand manner.
Summer Camp at Junjaramanahalli – April 2018
- Yoga
- Colouring
- Address by Smt. Pramila
- Snack time
Summer camps were conducted in two phases in April 2018 at Sri Sarada Math, Junjaramanahalli.
First Phase – Summer Camp for Young Children
The first phase was held from 11th to 17th April 2018 for students in the age group of 9 to 12 years. The camp was held for three hours per day and an average of 26 children attended the camp.
The camp included various activities like recitation of shlokas, Yogasana, bhajans, stories of great personalities, screening of animated movies, handicraft making, games and shramadana (voluntary contribution of labour for a public cause).
Children presented their talents on the last day of the camp. A quiz was conducted on the topics covered in the camp. Smt. Pramila Shivanna, the chief guest, addressed the children and distributed prizes to the winners of the quiz and game competitions.
The children showed a keen interest throughout the camp and enjoyed their overall experience. Snacks and badam milk were served to the children everyday.
Second Phase – Personality Development Camp for College Girls
The second phase of the summer camp was held from 19th to 25th April 2018 from 9:30am to 3:30pm for college girls. The camp was designed for the overall personality development of the college girls. An average of 10 girls attended the camp.
The camp activities included prayers, Gita chanting, Yogasana, spoken English, crafts, film screening, games and narration of inspiring incidents from the lives of great personalities. On the concluding day, students presented folk songs and a folk dance. Prizes were distributed to the winners of the competitions.
Lunch and snacks were provided daily to all the participants.
Summer Camp at Nivedita Vidya Peetha, Bengaluru – April 2018
- Gita Chanting
- Kundan Jewellery
- Making Paper Bags
- Woolen Mats
A summer camp was held at Nivedita Vidya Peetha, Bengaluru for children in the age group of 10 to 15 years from 2nd of April to 12th April, 2018 for three hours each day from 9.30am to 12.30pm. The camp provided the children an avenue for expressing their creativity and developing the moral, ethical and spiritual aspects for their personality. About 34 children participated in the camp.Children were trained in Vedic chanting, Gita chanting, singing bhajans, drawing and painting. Children were also taught the art of making paper bags, thread crochet, Kundan jewellery, woolen mats etc. Yoga classes and classes on the art of narrating stories were conducted. A video was shown on the life and teachings of Sri Ramakrishna.
On the concluding day of the camp, children exhibited the skills they had learnt in the camp. Art and craft items from the camp were exhibited. Competitions were held on story telling, singing and Gita chanting. Prizes were distributed to the winners.
Refreshments were served to the children on each day of the camp.
Spiritual Retreat – 25th February 2018
- Lecture by Atandaprana Mataji
- Lecture by Dr. Asha Srinivasan
- Lecture by Yogatmaprana Mataji
- Bhajans
A spiritual retreat was held on Sunday, the 25th February 2018 at Sri Sarada Math, Bengaluru from 9.15 am to 12.30 pm. The retreat started with Vedic chanting by Sannyasinis, reading of Daily thoughts & Prayers and a few miutes of meditation. Pravrajika Gitaprana welcomed the main speakers of the day, the sannyasinis and the audience. She also expressed her gratitude for accepting the invitation and their participation in the programme. ‘Sri Ramakrishna Satsanga’ sang stotras and bhajans for half an hour.
Dr. Asha Srinivasan, Asst. Professor, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, JSS University, Mysore, spoke in English on ‘Swamiji – A Movement’. Pravrajika Yogatmaprana spoke on ‘Pravrajika Bharatiprana Mataji – The First President Of Sri Sarada Math, Dakshineswar, Kolkata’. She briefly narrated her life and teachings in Kannada. Lastly, Pravrajika Atandraprana Mataji, Asst. Secretary, Sri Sarada Math & Ramakrishna Mission, Dakshineshwar, Kolkata, spoke on ‘The Significance Of The Present Yugavatara Sri Ramakrishna’ in English. This was well received by the audience and helped them to develop a deep understanding.
The programme ended with a devotional song by Dr. Asha Srinivasan. Lunch was served to all. About 90 devotees attended the retreat.
The lectures by Rev. Atandaprana Mataji and Dr. Asha Srinivasan can be found on the Lectures page.
Sri Ramakrishna’s Birthday – 17th February 2018
- Puja
- Lecture By Dr. Sarojini
The birthday of Sri Ramakrishna was celebrated on Saturday, 17th February 2018, at Sri Sarada Math, Bengaluru with special puja, homa, chanting of Vishnu Sahasranam and Bhajans by devotees. Dr.Sarojini, Dermatologist who renders voluntary service to Sri Ramakrishna Math and Sri Sarada Math spoke on Sri Ramakrishna’s contribution to upliftment of women, narrating briefly from the lives of Sri Ramakrishna’s women disciples such as Gopaler Maa, Golap Maa, Jogin Maa and others. Pravrajika Gitaprana read The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. It was followed by Bhogarathi and distribution of prasad. About 225 people attended the celebration.
Spiritual Retreat – 3rd February 2018
A spiritual retreat was held on Saturday, the 3rd February 2018. The retreat started with the chanting of Lalita Sahasranama, reading from Daily Thoughts and Prayers and Japa. Most Rev. Jnanadaprana Mataji, Asst.Secretary of Sri Sarada Math and Ramakrishna Sarada Mission delivered a lecture on “Holy Mother and Sister Nivedita”. Lunch was served to all. About 70 people attended the programme.
The lecture by Rev. Jnanadaprana Mataji can be found on the Lectures page.
National Youth Day – 13th January 2018
- Swamiji
- Procession
- Skit on Sister Nivedita
- Yogasana
- Elocution
- Audience
- Lunch
Swami Vivekananda, a Cultural and Spiritual Ambassador of India, inspired youth all over the country to build a strong and healthy India. National Youth Day is celebrated in India on 12th January every year coinciding with the birthday of Swami Vivekananda. In 1984, the Government of India declared the day as the National Youth Day.Sri Sarada Math, Bengaluru, celebrated National Youth Day on 13th January 2018. About 500 Students from 19 schools and colleges took part in the celebration. The day began with registration of students followed by breakfast. After narrating the significance of this day, a procession started. The procession went around the Jayamahal area surrounding the Math along with a chariot of Swami Vivekananda. Students participated enthusiastically in the procession with some of the students preparing their own placards with Swamij’s sayings. Trophies were given to school children for the ‘Best Slogan’, ‘Orderliness’ and ‘Attire’. For College students, trophies were given for ‘Orderliness’ and ‘Best Slogan’. An overall prize was given for the School and College with the best performance in the procession.
Elocution competitions were held for school students on the topic ‘Which aspect of Swami Vivekananda’s teachings you like the most and why?’ and for College students on the topic ‘Power of Concentration as espoused by Swami Vivekananda’. 31 students participated in Elocution Competitions. Dr.V.Anuradha, Associate Professor, Dept. of History, Maharani’s Arts College for Women, Bangalore inspired the students on their topic of Elocution through her speech. Prize winners were given a certificate and books on Swami Vivekananda. Each student and the Institution were given a ‘Participation Certificate’ and a complimentary Kannada book entitled ‘Vishwavarenya Vivekananda’.
In between the school and college competitions, the participants were entertained by small children of Nivedita Vidyapeetha with programmes such as a drama from Swami Vivekananda’s lecture on Karma Yoga depicting how each one is great in their ideal, a monk or householder in English. Kids of “Nretyalaya” of Sri Ram Sadan Apartment, Gokula, Mettikere, under the guidance of Smt. Kshama, performed a beautiful and touching skit on Sister Nivedita which was appreciated by all. Lastly, the children of Nivedita Vidyapeetha gave a good performance of “Yogasana”.
Lunch was served to all. Several alumni of Nivedita Vidyapeetha and Math volunteers helped in making the programme a grand success.
Swami Vivekananda’s Birthday – 8th January 2018
- Puja
- Audience
- Speech by Dr. Bhargavi
The birthday of Srimat Swami Vivekananda was celebrated at Sri Sarada Math, Bengaluru on Monday, 8th January 2018 with due solemnity. There were various programmes throughout the day such as Vedic Chanting, Special puja & homa, Kathopanishad chanting by the sannyasinis, bhajans by devotees and discourse on “Swamiji’s approach towards way of life by ” by Dr.Bhargavi, Director, P.G. Dept., of Commerce, Sheshadripuram College, Bangalore, teaching organizational behaviour & Human Resources Management & Business skills. After Bhogarati, Prasad distribution took place. During the whole day, about 200 people attended the programme.