For news from other years, please see our news archives 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
Holy Mother’s Birthday: 18th December 2019
Shrine -
Dr Smitha -
The birthday of the Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi was celebrated at Sri Sarada Math, Bengaluru on Saturday, 18th December 2019 with due solemnity. There was Vedic chanting, special puja, chandipath, homa, bhajans and discourse on Holy Mother. Dr. Smitha spoke in Kannada on Holy Mother’s unconditional love, compassion and assurance to one and all, so that let all proceed towards Divine path. After Bhogarathi, prasad was distributed all. Whole day about 500 people participated, imbibing peace & joy within.
Rev. Vice-President Mataji’s visit: December 2019
Offering Arghya -
Inauguration of Office -
Inauguration of Publication Showroom
Most Rev.Anandaprana Mataji, Vice-President of Sri Sarada Math and Ramakrishna Sarada Mission arrived to Bangalore on 8.12.2019.
As the old Shrine and Prayer hall has been renovated, she placed the old photos of the Holy Trinity again in the renovated shrine on 12.12.2019 and offered the Arghya to them in midst of Vedic chanting and singing the hymns by the sannyasinis. After her brief prayer there, she also inaugurated the newly built Office and Publication Showroom.
On Wednesday, the 11th December 2019, she initiated 25 spiritual seekers, out of which, nine seekers came from Junjuramanahalli where our Rural Development project is going on.
During her brief stay here, many devotees and friends also received her blessings. She returned back to Kolkata on Thursday, the 12 th December 2019.
Youth Convention : 125th Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda’s Chicago Address – 23rd November 2019
Vedic Chanting -
Honoring Rev Mataji -
Speech by Rev. Mataji -
Speech by Student -
Vote of Thanks -
Closing Song -
Nivedita Scholarship Students
Most Rev. Amalaprana Mataji conducted a Youth Convention to mark the 125th anniversary of Swami Vivekananda’s Chicago address. After Registration & Refreshments by the students, the convention started at 9.30am. Children of Nivedita Vidya Peetha of Primary school, chanted Vedic Mantras. Pravrajika Gitaprana welcomed the gathering – students, teachers, some devotees & volunteers, after rendering pranam to the Holy Trio and Nivedita. She also honoured Most Rev. Mataji and Dr. Anuradha.
Most Rev. Amalaprana Mataji delivered a very inspiring key note address. She mentioned the purpose of Swamiji’s visit to Chicago, the hurdles he had to face and how he succeeded to convey ancient Sanatana Dharma – one’s potential Divine Nature. Dr. Anuradha, H.O.D. of History Dept., Maharani College, Bangalore, delivered lecture on the significance of this anniversary and also its history and its impact now. Interaction session with students also went off well. She encouraged the students to study Swamiji’s literature and to keep contact with Monks/Nuns to get proper guidance.
Sheshadripuram Educational Institution sent 164 girls of PUC 2nd year and another 23 students from Junjuramanahalli where our Rural Development Project is going on. They also received yearly ‘Nivedita Scholarship’ from Most Rev. Mataji. Total, 187 girls participated actively in the convention. Nine girls spoke on Chicago address also.
Pravrajika Yogatmaprana gave Vote of Thanks to all participants and Sheshadripuram Educational Institutions also. She expressed her humble gratitude to Rev. Mataji and Dr. Anuradha for accepting our invitation and making this youth convention a grand success by inspiring all by the spirit of Swamiji, thus making us aware of our Divine nature. Lastly, little children of our Primary school sang closing song on Swamiji. All youth participants received small booklet on ‘Chicago Address’ and ‘Participation Certificate’. Lunch served to all.
Inauguration of Sodari Nivedita Sabhangana – 22nd November 2019
Sodari Nivedita Sabhangana -
Entering the Hall -
Inauguration -
Altar -
Arghya -
Ramnam Sankirtan -
Rev. Mataji’s speech -
Audience & Closing Song
Most Rev. Amalaprana Mataji, the General Secretary of Sri Sarada Math & Ramakrishna Sarada Mission inaugurated ‘Sodari Nivedita Sabhangana’ on Friday, the 22nd November, 2019 in the midst of Vedic Chanting and singing of hymns on Holy Trio by Sannyasinis, while, offering arghya them. Pravrajika Yogatmaprana performed arati to Sri Ramakrishna Dev, Sri Sarada Devi, Swami Vivekananda, Sister Nivedita and Sri Ramachandra Dev. Sri Ramnam Sankirtan was sung by all.
After honouring Rev. Mataji, Pravrajika Gitaprana welcomed all. She also read the benediction messages sent by Most Rev. Bhaktiprana Mataji, the President of Sri Sarada Math & Ramakrishna Sarada Mission and by Most Rev.Ajayaprana Mataji, the Vice President of Sri Sarada Math & Mission.
Most Rev. Mataji spoke on Holy Mother & Sister Nivedita. About 170 devotees and friends participated on this auspicious function. She narrated their mutual loving relationship and Nivedita’s adoration to Mother. She was really ‘Khuki’ to Holy Mother and ready to do any act which pleases Holy Mother. All listened with rapt attention to this heartfelt expression!
Pravrajika Gitaprana gave vote of thanks, mentioning a few who rendered dedicated, loving service to complete this project.
The programme concluded by singing bhajans on Holy Trinity by Sm Purnima Ganguly & Party. Imbibing Sister Nivedita’s dedication, the programme ended with prasad distribution.
Mahalaya Programme – 28th September 2019
Revered Satchitprana.Mataji, a senior sannyasini of Sri Sarada Math and Ramakrishna Sarada Mission, Dakshineswar, Kolkata delivered a lecture on Saturday, the 28th September 2019 on the sacred occasion of Mahalaya Amavasya on “Sri Sri Chandi and Sri Bhagavad Gita”.
The programme started with the chanting of “Sri Lalitha Sahasranama”, followed by Bhajans by Sri Ramakrishna Satsang. Rev. Mataji spoke for more than an hour. Her presentation of the comparison of two important scriptures drew the attention of devotees. Sm. Purnima Ganguly and party, the Bhajan group of Sri Sarada Math sang selected songs on Sri Mother Durga. Soon after Bhogarati, Prasad distribution took place for about 250 people.
Sri Krishna Janmastami – 24th August 2019
Sri Krishna Janmastami was observed at Sri Sarada Math, Bangalore on Saturday, the 24th August 2019 from 4 to 6 pm. Devotees chanted hymns and sang songs on Lord Sri Krishna. Smt Padmasri narrated the significance of Lord’s message in our day today activities from various incidents of HIS life for about an hour. Devotees appreciated her lucid expression on the Lord’s life and message.
Sister Nivedita Cultural Festival – 13th July 2019
Fancy Dress – Akkamahadevi -
Bharatnatyam -
Audience -
Art Competition in Shrine -
Painting Competition -
Dance Prize Winners -
Prize Distribution -
Prize Distribution
Sister Nivedita Cultural Festival was an entertaining and enlightening cultural festival of contests for students from 1st standard to class 8, celebrating India’s vibrant culture and tradition. Nivedita Vidya Peth of Sri Sarada Math Bengaluru provided a platform for School Children to exhibit their unique innate talent by organizing an Inter-Primary School competition. The event was held on Saturday the 13 July 2019 from 9.30am to 4pm in the Math premises.
Pravrajika Chitprabhaprana Mataji, in-charge of Nivedita Vidya Peetha, welcomed the gathering. 570 students from 14 schools took part enthusiastically in 13 various events like Clay modeling, Colouring, Painting, Essay writing, Kannada and English Handwriting, Gita chanting, Mimicry, Storytelling, Mono acting, Devotional songs, Fancy Dress, Folk dance and Classical dance. Many students participated in multiple events. Total number of participants was 789. Lunch and ice cream were provided by the Math.
Smt. Pushpalatha Anantharam was the chief guest. She served as lecturer in kannada & later for 20 years as principal of S.Y.A. pre-university college. She is a post graduate in kannada & inspired by Swamiji’s life and teachings. She also took personal interest in imbibing values of Swamiji through education & in character building of the Students. As principal she has always evinced interest in encouraging students in participating Youth conventions & other important programs organized by Sri Sarada Math.She distributed Trophies and Certificate of Merit for prize winners. Participation Certificates and books on Swami Vivekananda and Nivedita were given to all students who participated in the contests.
A good number of devotees of the Math and Staff of Nivedita Vidya Peth helped in organizing the event in a grand manner.
Passing away of Pravrajika Shubhraprana – 4th June 2019
We are sorry to record the passing away of Pravrajika Shubhraprana, a senior sannyasini of Sri Sarada Math, aged 97, on Tuesday, 4th June, 2019 at 6.10 am at the Ramakrishna Mission Sevaprathisthan due to intestinal obstruction with peritonitis.
On the 2nd June night she had attended Phalaharini Kali Puja in the temple. On the 3rd afternoon she was admitted to the hospital for severe vomiting and other discomforts. Early morning on the 4th she breathed her last.
A disciple of Swami Virajananda, she joined the Order in June 1954 at the Sister Nivedita School. Later in July, she was sent to the Women’s Math first started at Entally where she stayed till the formal opening of Sri Sarada Math at Dakshineswar on 2nd December 1954. At different times between 1957 and 1974 she served at the Ashrama at Entally and the headquarters at Dakshineswar. She received Brahmacharya in 1959 from Pravrajika Bharatiprana, the first President of Sri Sarada Math, after which she was sent to Varanasi as a worker in the women’s section of the Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama till April 1961. She was invested with Sannyasa in January 1964 by Pravrajika Bharatiprana. In January 1975 she was sent to Bangalore to start a centre of the Ramakrishna Sarada Mission there, which was later converted into a Math centre and was appointed President of Sri Sarada Math, Bangalore from October 1977. She retired from her office in March 2013 and came to stay at the headquarters in January 2015 where she remained till the end.
Simple and child like, she drew love and respect from all for her deep spirituality. Her life will indeed remain an inspiration to many. May her soul rest in eternal peace!
Spiritual Retreat – 17th March 2019
Retreat -
Rev. Jnanadaprana Mataji -
Pr Purnatmaprana -
Dr Vijaya Bharati
A spiritual retreat was held on Sunday, the 17th March 2019 at Sri Sarada Math, Bengaluru from 9.15 am to 3 pm. The morning session started at 9.15 with Vedic chanting by Sannyasinis, reading of Daily thoughts & Prayers and a few minutes of meditation. Pravrajika Yogatmaprana welcomed the speakers of the day, the sannyasinis and the audience. She also expressed her gratitude for accepting the invitation and their participation in the programme. She also extended heartfelt welcome to ‘Sri Ramakrishna Satsanga’ for their devotional singing of hymns and bhajans for half an hour.
Dr. Vijaya Bharathi had received her doctorate from Bangalore University for her research on the literature of Sri Ramakrishna. She rendered honorary service in many educational Institutions. She has written many books such as women of Vedic period, Gupta Ganga about first president of Sri Sarada Math – Rev. Bharatiprana Mataji, the message of Upanishad and Gayatri Mantra Sourabha – thus to mention a few. She was a good Orator and received many prestigious awards.
Pravrajika Purnatmaprana, Pravrajika Jnanadaprana Mataji, Asst. Secretary, Sri Sarada Math & Ramakrishna Mission, Dakshineshwar, Kolkata and Dr. Vijaya Bharathi spoke on Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother and lastly, spiritual upliftment of women in the message of Holy Trio respectively. The programme ended at 12.15 pm with a devotional song sung by devotees. Lunch was served to all. About 100 devotees attended the retreat.
A video show -‘the Installation of Kalasha & Kumbhabhishekam ‘which took place on 6th October 2018 was played from 1.30pm to 3pm.
Sri Ramakrishna’s Birthday – 8th March 2019
The birthday of Sri Ramakrishna was celebrated on Friday, the 8th March 2019 at Sri Sarada Math, Bengaluru with special puja, homa, chanting of Vishnu Sahasranam and Bhajans by devotees. Sm. Sharada Satrasala, a devotee of Sri Ramakrishna spoke – how his teachings helped her spiritually. Pravrajika Gitaprana read The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. It was followed by Bhogarathi and distribution of prasad. About 225 people attended the celebration.