For news from other years, please see our news archives 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
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Holy Mother’s birthday was celebrated on the 26th December 2021 at Sri Sarada Math, Bengaluru. The programme consisting of Special puja, Chandipath, Bhajans, Havan and discourse on Mother’s life and teachings was held from 7:00 AM to 12:15 PM.
The programme was live streamed on Sri Sarada Math, Bengaluru’s YouTube Channel. Friends and devotees came for Darshan of Holy Mother and partook prasad between 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM. All were requested to follow COVID preventive norms during their visit.
Ku.Vaishnavi and Sm.Uma sang bhajans on Holy Mother which was appreciated by all.
Dr.Sahana Magal gave talk on “Mother, Modern world and Scientific reasonings”. For all the new age, modern youngsters who do not believe in Holy Mother and her teachings, she has found a very practical and scientific way of answering their difficult yet interesting questions like “Who was Holy Mother?”, “What was her teachings?”, “How is it relevant today in modern world?”. She presented the topic very interestingly and scientifically based on Sanatan Dharma making all comprehend the matter easily. This lecture can be found on the Lectures page.
She is a physician and geriatrician, currently working at Aster hospital, Hebbal, Bengaluru has been associated with the Ramakrishna Sarada Mission since the age of nine years old. She was fortunate to have come in contact and be associated with the Sarada Ashram, Bengaluru since 1984, when Mataji Shubrapranaji was the then president.
Spiritual retreat – 29th March 2021
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Pr Divyanandaprana -
A Spiritual Retreat was held on Monday, the 29th March 2021 from 9.30am to 12.15pm. It started with Vedic Chanting of ‘Narayanopnishad’ by our Sannyasinis followed by Welcome Speech by Pravrajika Gitaprana. She introduced speakers. First, Dr. Anasuya K V, Asst. Professor, Department of Chemistry, Government First Grade College, Tumkur, spoke in Kannada on Sri Sarada Devi – Torch bearer of different Ashramas such as Brahmacharya, Grahastashrama followed by Vanapresthashrama and lastly Sannyasasrama. She highlighted Holy Mother’s role in every ashramas and showed how we could mould our life as per her direction. Mother’s whole life is an ideal, demonstrated Sri Ramakrishna’s message silently.
Pravrajika Divyanandaprana, second speaker spoke in English on “Sri Sri Ramakrishna – Jnana Mishrite Bhakti”. She narrated a few episodes from Sri Ramakrishna’s life where both Jnana & Bhakti are not separate, though initially looks different path but blends to the same goal. None remains different, bounds to accept both. These lectures can be found on the Lectures page.
Divyanandaprana is a sannyasini of Sri Sarada Math, presently stationed at Ramakrishna Sarada Mission, New Delhi. She is the editor of Sri Sarada Math’s English Journal ‘SAMVIT’. She consistently delivers courses on Yoga-Vedanta at academic institutions like IIT’s etc. and is actively working on bringing Vedanta into mainstream academia in various educational institutions.
Swami Vivekananda wrote in a letter dated 17th February 1896 to Alasinga Perumal one of his Madras disciples “The abstract Advaita must become living-poetic-in everyday life; out of hopelessly intricate mythology must come concrete, moral forms; and out of bewildering Yogi-ism must come the most scientific and practical psychology- and all this must be put in a form so that a child may grasp it. This is my life’s work.
Pravrajika Divyanandaprana has most successfully carried out this principle of Swami Vivekananda in the lectures which she delivered at IIT, Delhi, as part of the first course on Yoga-Vedanta there. A book has been published – “Science of Happiness – According to Yoga – Vedanta”. Which is a compilation of lectures.
Due to unavoidable circumstances Sri Jagadhatri Group could not participate for singing bhajans which they used to sing since many years, instead, Pravrajika Adityaprana sang bhajans accompanied with Sm Chandrika Padki who played Tabla instrument. Pravrajika Chitprabhaprana conveyed vote of thanks to all earnest participants. The programme ended with a song on Divine Mother.
Sri Ramakrishna’s Birthday Celebrations – 15th March 2021
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Talk by Pr Yogatmaprana
Sri Ramakrishna’s Birthday Celebrations was conducted at Sri Sarada Math, Bangalore on 15th March 2021. The live streamed programme started with special puja, followed by Havan, Vishnu Sahasranama Chanting, Bhajans, Reading from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna and discourse on his life and teachings from 7:00am to 12:00pm.
Pravrajika Adityaprana chanted Sri Vishnu Sahasranam.
This time also, like earlier two celebrations, Sm Uma – a devotee, recited hymns on Sri Sri Thakur composed by Swami Vivekananda & also sang Bhajans. Sm Chandrika Padki played the tabla instrument.
Pravrajika Gitaprana read the selected portion of Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. This was followed by speech, on Sri Ramakrishna by Pravrajika Yogatmaprana. She explained ‘Krentana Kalidor’ an attribute given by Srimat Swamiji in the Aratrika Hymn of Sri Sri Ramakrishna. In this Kali Yuga, how Sri Thakur uplifted the evil people, giving example of three persons. She also gave introduction of ‘Go – Vreshebha Samvada’ (Conversation of Cow and Bull) from Sri Bhagavatam. This lecture can be found on the Lectures page.
The programme ended with Bhogarati.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, devotees and friends were requested to view the livestream on Sri Sarada Math, Bangalore – YouTube Link
This was implemented to ensure the safety and welfare of all.
Swami Vivekananda’s Birthday Celebrations – 4th February 2021
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Srimath Swami Vivekanandaji’s Birthday Celebrations was conducted at Sri Sarada Math, Bangalore on the 4th of February 2021. The live streamed programme started with Special Puja, Havan, Kathopanishad Path, Bhajans, Discourse and ended with Bhogarati from 7:15am to 12:15pm.
Pravrajika Adityaprana talked about “Swami Vivekananda & Spirituality”. She made us aware of our Divine nature and how it should be manifested in our life as shown by Swami Vivekananda.
Pravrajika Purnatmaprana chanted Kathopanishad. Swamiji praised much of this Upanishad, particularly the ‘Shraddha’ spiritual attribute of Nachiketa.
Sm. Uma – a devotee recited hymns composed by Swamiji & also on him and sang Bhajans. Sm Chandrika Padki played the tabla instrument.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, devotees and friends were requested to view the livestream on YouTube. Sri Sarada Math, Bangalore – YouTube Link.
Holy Mother Birthday Celebrations – 5th January 2021
Holy Mother’s Birthday Celebrations was conducted at Sri Sarada Math, Bangalore on the 5th January 2021. The live streamed programme consisting of Special Puja, Havan, Chandi Path, Bhajans and discourse was held from 7:30am to 12:30pm.
Pravrajika Purnatmaprana explained in detail the shloka “Yathagne Dahika Shakti…………” on Sri Ramakrishna Sangha Stotram composed by Swami Saradanada Maharaj. She deeply thought about it and expressed how by implementing Holy Mother’s ideal our life will be blessed and in peace.
Pravrajika Adityaprana & Sm. Uma, a devotee, sang Bhajans and Namavali on Mother which was appreciated by listener.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, devotees and friends were requested to view the livestream on YouTube. It can be viewed at Sri Sarada Math, Bangalore – YouTube Link