For news from other years, please see our news archives 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
Most Rev.Pravrajika Bhaktiprana Mataji – Memorial Programme
Most Revered Pravrajika Bhaktiprana Mataji’s memorial programme took place at Sri Sarada Math, Bengaluru on Friday 23rd December, 2022 from 7 am to 12.15 pm.
The programme consisted of Special Puja, Bhajans, Havan and Sri Lalitha Sahasranam Chanting by Sri Jagaddhatri group. Sm. Purnima Ganguli and party sang bhajans on Holy Mother. Bhajans were also sung by Sm. Aditi & Madhurima in the morning and Sm. Uma & Vaishnavi in the evening.
Three sannyasinis expressed their association with Most Rev. Mataji and how their spiritual path was moulded by some incidents of her life. The Benedictory address given by Most Revered Bhaktiprana Mataji on the occasion of the consecration of the new temple on 2nd May 2014 was played. This was followed by Aarati and prasad distribution.
Annual day celebration of Nivedita Vidyapeetha and Balmandir
18th Dec. 2022
The 40th Annual Day Celebration of Nivedita Vidya Peetha and Balmandir was held on 18th December 2022 at the school premises.
The programme started with Aarti to Sri Ramakrishna Dev, Sri Sarada Devi, Swami Vivekananda and Sister Nivedita followed by chanting of various hymns, Narayana Sukta and singing of Bhajans by the students of Vidyapeeth.
Pravrajika Gitaprana Mataji, the President of Sri Sarada Math Bengaluru presided over the function.
Pravrajika Chitprabhaprana, in charge of the school, welcomed everyone and introduced the chief guest Dr. Padmini Nagaraj. The Principal of Rani Saraladevi Degree College, Dr. Padmini Nagaraj, has won several awards for her writings on women’s problems and their upliftment in Kannada and is a member of Karnataka Sahitya Academy. In her speech she advised parents to have a positive outlook so that children can become confident and inspired children through short stories to study diligently.
Prizes were distributed by her to the students and their parents for different sports activities. They come to the Parents’ monthly meetings held in school and at the same time to know about Sri Sarada Math and the life of Sri Sarada Devi. Thus, they eagerly participate in all the activities.
Students were excited to perform after a long gap of 2 years due to restrictions of covid 19 protocols. The cultural programme was based on the rich folk culture of Karnataka. Folk dances like Jade kolata, Veeragase, Maramma, Karaga dance and Huli vesha were presented by the students of both Nivedita Vidya Peetha and Bal Mandir. At the end everybody was captivated by the Yakshagana performance by our alumnus Ku. Anita who learnt Kathak dance in EARTHA (Element of Art & Heritage Academy), Bengaluru.
Holy Mother’s Janmatithi Celebrations – 15th December 2022

Holy Mother’s Birthday was celebrated at Sri Sarada Math, Bengaluru on 15-Dec-2022 from 7 am to 12.15 pm. The programme consisted of Special Puja, Chandi Path, Bhajans, Havan, Discourse and Arati. Friends and devotees came for Darshan of Holy Mother. Prasad distribution took place after 12.15 pm. Sm. Purnima Ganguli & party sang bhajans on Holy Mother.
Dr. Geeta Ramanujan was the speaker. She is the Founder & Academic Director of G.R. Educational Institution and Former Principal of Jayanagar National College, Bangalore. She has received the Gold Medal for her PhD thesis on ENVIORNMENTAL AWARENESS AND AHIMSA. She is a resource personality for all programs on Environment, Women, Education, Spirituality, etc. She says she draws her strength for all her achievements from the philosophy of Bhagavad Gita, the rational thinking of Swami Vivekananda & the life of Akkamahadevi.
She narrated the impact of Holy Mother’s life and message in her every day activities.
It was live streamed on Sri Sarada Math, Bengaluru’s YouTube Channel.

Dr.Geeta Ramanujan speaking on Mother

Most Revered President Mataji, Pravrajika Bhaktipranaji, age 102, entered Mahasamadhi at 11.24 pm on 11th December, 2022 at the Ramakrishna Mission Seva Pratishthan, where she had been admitted on the 5th of December.
Born in October 1920, Mataji had seen many of the direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna. Her previous name was Kalyani Banerjee. Her schooling was in Sri Sri Saradeswari Ashram and Hindu Girls’ School under Gouri Ma, disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. She had her nursing training in the Ramakrishna Mission Sishu Mangal (now known as Seva Pratishthan). After that, she lived in an Ashrama started on Swamiji’s ideal of renunciation and service till, in 1950, she along with other members of the Ashrama joined the Ramakrishna Mission as dedicated workers. At that time i.e. 1950 the Mission started Matribhavan, a maternity hospital where she was sent with others to serve.
She was an initiated disciple of Swami Vijnanananda Maharaj and received sannyasa from Swami Shankarananda in January 1959 along with seven senior members forming the first batch of Sannyasinis of the Ramakrishna Order. She became a Trustee and a member of the Governing Body of Sri Sarada Math and the Ramakrishna Sarada Mission in 1959 and 1960 respectively. Soon after the Ramakrishna Mission transferred the Matribhavan hospital to the Ramakrishna Sarada Mission in November 1961. Thereafter, she took charge as its Secretary and gave herself heart and soul for the service and development of the hospital.
In December 1998, she was elected Vice-President of Sri Sarada Math and the Ramakrishna Sarada Mission and in April 2009 she became the 4th President of the Order.
Her exemplary dedicated life and loving service to humanity will remain a sacred memory and inspiration for generations to come.
ॐ शांतिः शांतिः शांतिः।
Spiritual Retreat – 12th November 2022
Talk by Mataji -
Rev. Jnanadaprana Mataji, Asstt. Secretary of Sri Sarada Math & Ramakrishna Sarada Mission arrived here on 10th of November 2022 and left on Sunday the 13th November to Trivandrum. On 11th November, she visited Sri Sarada Math, Chikkamagalur.
On Saturday the 12th of November, she conducted a spiritual retreat. The programme started with Vedic chanting by Sannyasinis followed by a welcome speech by Pravrajika Gitaprana mentioning Rev.Mataji’s pleasant surprise visit and her concern for this center despite her busy schedule. Sm Purnima Ganguly & party, bhajan group of Sri Sarada Math sang bhajans before and after Rev. Mataji’s lecture. Rev, Mataji spoke briefly, on Bhakti & Jnana, starting from the Bhagavat, from the lives of Gopis’ and on the lives of Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi and Swamiji. She also quoted Sister Nivedita’s understanding on this Sanatana Dharma / Universal Religion and continued how the present scientists realize the impact of Advaita on Science.
Pravrajika Yogatmaprana expressed thanks to all, starting from Rev. Mataji, Bhajan Party and all participants. Holy Mother bestowed blessings to all by imparting spiritual strength, peace, and joy within! Prasad was distributed to all.
Navaratri (26th September to 4th October 2022)
Garbhamandir -

Programme was as follows: –
1. Morning: Chandipath (selected portion) at 5.45 am
2. Evening: Sri Lalitha Sahasranam chanting at 5.45 pm
YouTube Live streaming of The Devi Mahatmyam chanting was done on Sunday the 2nd, Monday the 3rd and Tuesday the 4th of Oct. 2022 (Saptami, Ashtami, and Navami respectively) from 7 to 9am.
Devotees and friends came for darshan of Holy Mother and participated in group chanting of Sri Sri Chandi on all the three days. The Devi Mahatmyam chanting was livestreamed on Sri Sarada Math, Bengaluru’s YouTube Channel.
Spiritual Retreat on Sunday, 25th September 2022
Garbhamandir -
A Spiritual Retreat was conducted on Sunday 25th September 2022 at Sri Sarada Math, Bengaluru from 9.30am to 12 noon.
Programme was as follows: –
1. Sri Lalitha Sahasranam chanting by Sri Jagaddhatri group from 9.30 to 10 am.
2. The significance of Devi Mahatmyam in our life by Pravrajika Tapapriyaprana from 10 to 10.45 am.
3. Bhajans on Sri Devi Durga by Smt. Purnima Ganguly and party from 10.45 to 11.45 am.
4. Arati and Prasad distribution at 12 noon.
This programme was livestreamed on YouTube on Sri Sarada Math, Bengaluru’s YouTube Channel.
Spiritual Retreat – 20th March 2022
Shrine -
A Spiritual Retreat was held on Sunday 20th March 2022 at Sri Sarada Math, Bengaluru from 9.30am to 12.30pm. It started with Vedic Chanting by Sannyasinis and reading from Daily Thoughts & Prayers followed by meditation. Pravrajika Gitaprana welcomed speakers, devotees, and the Bhajan Party ‘Jagadhatri group.’ Before starting each lecture, they sang bhajans, thus enabling a good spiritual atmosphere.
Pravrajika Atandraprana, Asstt.secretary of Sri Sarada Math and Ramakrishna Sarada Mission spoke on Swami Vivekananda’s various aspects of spiritual personality based on the hymn ‘ANITYA DRESHYASU’ – composed by Swami Ramakrishnananda Maharaj, dwelling deeply on the significance of mantras in English. Second speaker, Dr. Sunita Joshi BAMS, PGD, from Dharwad, now residing in Bangalore – heading research and Development Department in Vasishta Pharmaceutical Pvt., Ltd., on Ayurvedic Medicine manufacturing company. Since many years she is associated in Ramakrishna Movement. She spoke in Kannada on Sri Ramakrishna’s contributions – ‘Matre Bhava Prachar’ – bringing awareness of one’s innate divine power in women specially which is one’s true nature – ‘ATMA SHAKTI.’ She emphasized how it was manifested in Holy Mother’s life and teachings. Sri Ramakrishna entrusted this task on her. These lectures can be found on the Lectures page
Pravrajika Chitprabhaprana conveyed vote of thanks. The programme ended with Bhajans on Holy Trinity, followed by Prasad distribution. Friends and Devotees participated by coming to the Math and it was livestreamed on Sri Sarada Math, Bengaluru’s YouTube Channel.
Sri Ramakrishna’s Birthday Celebrations – 04th March 2022
Shrine -
Sri Sri Ramakrishna’s birthday was celebrated at Sri Sarada Math, Bengaluru on Friday, 4th March 2022. The programme consisting of Special puja, chanting of Vishnu Sahasranam, Bhajans, Havan, reading from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna and discourse on his life and teachings took place from 7:00 am to 12:15 pm. Friends and devotees came for Darshan of Sri Sri Thakur and partook prasad after Aarati.
The programme was livestreamed on Sri Sarada Math, Bengaluru’s YouTube Channel. All were requested to follow COVID preventive norms during their visit.
Ku. Vaishnavi and Sm. Uma sang bhajans on Sri Sri Thakur which was appreciated by all. Pravrajika Gitaprana read some portion from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. Pravrajika Chitprabhaprana gave talk on Sri Ramakrishna’s days in Kamarpukur, his birthplace which can be found on the Lectures page.
Satsang on 20th February 2022
Sri Sarada Math, Bangalore conducted a Satsang on Sunday,20th Feb.2022 from 9.30am to 12.15pm. Revered Premaprana Mataji and Pravrajika Dhyanaprana Mataji arrived here from Kolkata on 18.2.2022. Both served ‘Sangha Gurus’ – Most Rev. Bharatiprana Mataji, Most Rev. Mokshaprana Mataji and Most Rev. Shraddhaprana Mataji. So, we requested them to share their Holy association with us. Devotees and Friends were participated in this programme and felt blessed. This lecture can be found on the Lectures page.
The programme started with Vedic Chanting, Bhajan & Welcome Speech followed by Most Rev. Matajis reminiscences. Ended with Vote of thanks & closing songs. Prasad distribution took place.
Swami Vivekananda’s Birthday Celebrations – 25th January 2022
Shrine -
Srimath Swami Vivekananda’s birthday was celebrated on the 25th of January 2022 at Sri Sarada Math, Bengaluru. The programme consisting of Special puja, Kathopanishad Chanting, Bhajans, Havan and discourse on Swamiji’s life and teachings was held from 7:00 AM to 12:15 PM.
Ku. Vaishnavi and Sm. Uma sang bhajans & hymns on Swami Vivekananda which was appreciated by all.
Sm. Rangamani T.A. spoke on Swamiji on his ideals and implementations which will benefit the whole humanity in general. This lecture can be found on the Lectures page. She is Electrical Engineer, received degree from Mysore University in 1982 and served in Karnataka Electrical Dept. for 22 years and left voluntarily. At present she is serving in a private firm since 2005. Her parents as well she is associated with Ramakrishna Movement and from last 12 years with Sri Sarada Math, serving in different capacities.
The programme was live streamed on Sri Sarada Math, Bengaluru’s YouTube Channel. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, devotees and friends were requested to view the livestream to ensure the safety and welfare of devotees and visitors.